The topic today is choosing cigars. When choosing cigars from your local cigar store there are several factors to consider. First you have made the correct decision by going to a local shop instead of mail order. This allows you to talk to knowledgeable professional who can lead you in the right direction. It also allows you to see, touch, and smell the cigar. If there is a problem with the cigar while smoking most reputable shops will make it right, while that is hard to do through mail order. Second try to figure out where most of the cigars you smoke are made, there are three major areas for cigar manufacturing not including Cuba(not legal in US): Dominican Republic, Honduras, and Nicaraugua. Each location brings its own unique flavor and strengths to the cigar. This will help you branch out into new cigars as you can communicate your likes to the clerk. Lastly do not choose cigars based on being soft or hard. A well humidified cigar can feel hard or soft due to types of tobacco and construction. A hard cigar may draw like a straw while a soft cigar may not draw at all. Remember a reputable shop will stand behind the cigars they sell. So introduce yourself to your local store clerk and build a relationship with them it will pay off. ![]()
Tobacco Cove is proud to annouce the launch of its new website, we welcome your comments and suggestions.
Tom TriggTobacco Cove Manager Archives
February 2014
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